Nutrition Advice

Meal Prep for Beginners

The idea of meal prepping for an entire week used to freak me out. For starters, I didn’t know what to cook, I had a preconceived notion that prepped food tasted bad, and I hated cooking. But I was wrong. As I learned more about what goes into meal prepping and how to do it efficiently, I saved myself time, worry, and money.

Here are 5 things you need to know as a beginner meal-prepper:

Make foods that you like to eat.

No one said meal-prep has to be bland! Taco salads, BBQ spiced chicken thighs with sweet potato mash and asparagus or Italian sausages with peppers and onions are only three options out of a million to make.  And they’re delish!

Plan out your ingredients before you go to the grocery store and stick to your list.

Doing this makes you stick to what you need and avoids throwing random bags of chips in your cart, which saves you money. Also, make sure you eat before going to the grocery store. Grocery shopping on an empty stomach is a willpower nightmare.

Pick a day and time to make your meals.

There’s no need to feel rushed or overwhelmed by the amount of cooking you need to do for the week because you planned to do it. Make it a priority and you’ll feel better about it. Think of it as part of your training. Three times a week you train in the gym, the other two days you meal prep. Thinking in these terms aligns what you eat with how you perform.

Leave room for a little variety.

If you have a fear that you’ll grow tired of the same meals throughout the week, leave one meal open for change. Breakfast, for example, you can either make eggs, bacon and sautéed spinach or a protein fruit smoothie.

Vegetables and protein are a must in every meal.

A fist-size portion of protein and an abundance of vegetables in every serving ensures you’ll stay full and hit your micronutrient goals for the day.

Once you have your meals ready for the week, your tupperwares filled and stacked neatly, you’ll find just how relieving it is to open your fridge and pick up a nutritious packed meal, knowing exactly what’s in it.

If you’re still stuck on what exactly to make, check out these easy-to-make yet super-tasty recipes:  For more inspiration, check out this website:

Breakfast: Eggs + Protein Oatmeal

  • 2-3 Scrambled eggs with sautéed spinach
  • 1 bowl oatmeal with scoop of protein

Lunch: Grilled Chicken + Veggies

  • 4-6oz Chicken thighs, grilled, seasoned to your likening
  • 200g Mashed sweet potatoes + Acorn squash
  • 100g Green beans, boiled

Dinner: Steak Fajitas

  • 4-60z Lean cut steak of your choice, I like skirt steak.  Seasoned and grilled.
  • 1 cup brown rice, cooked with vegetable broth
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 1/2 cup Salsa - spice level is up to you.
  • 30g Shredded Cheese


  • Fresh Fruit
  • Jerky
  • Nuts / Trail Mix
  • Greek Yogurt

3.2.1. Meal Prep!

April 7, 2020
Danette Gleason, General Manager
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